Car Key Protection

Car Key Protection

 Car Key Protection

Lightweight, Flexible and High Performance RF / EMI Shielding Pouches to protect and secure your modern car key against wireless signals and digital theft

The keyless access to every modern vehicle uses an electric signal frequency transmission to lock, unlock or even start the vehicle. The signal is transmittable even when your key is safely in your pocket or handbag. This signal can be hacked and copied with a device in range, and the electric signal copied to gain unauthorized access to your vehicle. 

Our pouches protect portable transceivers from RF & microwave interference and/or emissions. The Car Key Protection pouches are used to shield your car key from wireless signal emission and prevent any attempt to steal your car.

When you place your key inside our Secure Car Key Protection pouch your RFID car key can no longer be read remotely. Our pouches are lightweight, flexible and very easy to use. When the key is in the pouch, it is immediately secured!

Car Key Protection pouches are used to shield your modern car key against digital theft.


  • When the key is in the pouch, it is immediately protected!
  • Very easy to use
  • Very good shielding performance
  • Strong material, lasts a life time
  • Works for every modern car key

Options (on request)

  • Performed with cord
  • Large versions for multiple car keys
  • Company version sewn with logo / license plate

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