Autopour™ Foam

JHSC Home / Products / InstaCote Home / Products  Autopour Foam is a two component product that is used to stabilize pipes and other containment to reduce potential spread of contamination during size reduction. The product can be delivered to fill pipes at distances to stabilize and reduce the potential for airborne contamination during demolition. […]

Autofroth™ Foam

JHSC Home / Products / InstaCote Home / Products  Glovebox is an enclosure designed for handling radioactive material. It is lined with lead to protect users from ionizing radiation when handling radioactive material. Built on the sides of glovebox are openings where gloves are fixed in such a way that a user can place their […]

CC Epoxy

JHSC Home / Products / InstaCote Home / Products  CC Epoxy 609 stabilizes pipes and reduces the potential for spread of contamination during size reduction. Delivery of CC Epoxy 609 into pipes allows for the collection of residual process liquids. CC Epoxy 609 increases productivity and reduces risk during size reduction of pipes by preventing […]